Navigeren door veranderende tijden: de rol van FedPack in de service­verpakkingssector

In de dynamische wereld van serviceverpakkingen – de potjes, schaaltjes en draagtassen die we allemaal kennen – speelt FedPack een cruciale rol. En dat onder leiding van Marisans eigen Sven De Vis. Als voorzitter van deze invloedrijke beroepsfederatie stuurt Sven de koers richting eerlijkere marktcondities voor Belgische aanbieders. Ook strijdt FedPack tegen de oneerlijke concurrentie van freeriders en internationale spelers die de lokale taksen en belastingen ontduiken. Hoe FedPack dit aanpakt, lees je in dit blogbericht!

Serviceverpakkingen en de rol van FedPack

A service packaging is packaging that is given directly to the consumer at the point of sale. Think of jars, bowls, cups, cash register bags, carrier bags and so on. This packaging must be more than functional; they must be safe, affordable, sustainable, recyclable and reusable. Quite a challenge, especially with the ever-changing legislation. This is where FedPack's three-fold mission comes to life: informing, networking and representing interests.

  1. Inform
    FedPack keeps its members sharp with the latest updates in technology, changes in legislation and everything that affects the sector. This ranges from regulations and technological innovations to social trends. Each member remains informed of professional challenges within the packaging sector.
  2. Networking
    The power of a network should never be underestimated. FedPack facilitates essential dialogues and personal connections. And not only between members but also with administrators and influential organizations. FedPack builds a strong community through social events, general meetings and negotiation rounds.
  3. Advocacy
    When it comes to advocacy, FedPack is on the front lines. They defend professional interests at government agencies and regulatory authorities. In a world that is increasingly calling for environmentally and climate-conscious solutions, FedPack's voice has become indispensable. Their knowledge and experience helps sector colleagues to continue to follow up and understand legislative changes.

Marisan is an important player in a larger story

For Marisan, Sven’s role at FedPack is of strategic importance. The insights and influence he brings ensure that Marisan not only stays informed of the latest developments, but can also help shape the future of the sector. This means that Marisan customers can rely on products that are not only of high quality, but are also produced by a company that actively contributes to a fairer and more sustainable packaging landscape.

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