Tailor-made sustainable packaging for Elanco

Elanco is a thoroughly Belgian company. In fact, every garment is made entirely in-house, and has been since 1945. Elanco combines this minimal carbon footprint with production on demand. No surpluses here, but a sustainable approach woven into the entire operation. Because even the packaging has been sustainable since 2022.

We talked about this with Peter Haenebalcke, responsible for purchasing and sales. He heads Elanco together with his sister Liesbeth. For Peter, the collaboration with Marisan already tastes like more thanks to the shared vision of sustainability.

A partnership for 2022-2023

How did you come into contact with Marisan?

“Just before corona, we were not neighbours at a sustainability fair. We were there with our shirts made from 100% recycled material, they were there with sustainable packaging. Back then, we actually had a good conversation about a possible cooperation, but during the volatile corona years, this remained on hold. In early 2022, we picked up the thread.”

Meeting at a sustainability fair can hardly be a coincidence …

“We both find sustainability very important. Elanco was actually already sustainable avant la lettre. Our ecological footprint is minimal because we make everything in Belgium and we only produce what has been sold. So we have no stock, but no surpluses either. Moreover, in recent years we have been trying to use recycled materials as much as possible.”

A tailor-made solution

What challenge was Marisan able to help with?

“For a government order, shirts had to be packed in a bag with specific dimensions, closed with a flap. This allows the packaging to be opened and resealed several times. With an adhesive strip, this is not the case. In addition, the flap also allows air to enter the clothing, which means the colour is better preserved during the customer’s storage period. Marisan provided the perfect tailor-made solution for this: a PE bag with flap.”

How did you experience working with Marisan?

“Marisan created packaging that met all our customer’s requirements, from the flap to the specific format. We are also on the same track in terms of vision. We both not only try to make a good product, but also always look for sustainable ways to do so.”

What will the future bring?

Finally, a look at the future: is it sustainable?

“It is by all means our ambition to work even more sustainably in the coming years, but sustainability remains a roadmap. That’s why we want to check with Marisan for every purchase to see what can be even better and more sustainable compared to the previous packaging.”

A great resolution to conclude with. Thanks!

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