EJ Foods en Marisan: classificatie als kwaliteitskeurmerk

EJ Foods and Marisan: classification as a quality mark

Labels have numerous functions: boost your branding, save time or act as an information carrier. And Marisan provides these informative labels for EJ Foods, a renowned manufacturer and distributor in the pet food industry from Liedekerke. We spoke with Aurelie Bauveroy, co-manager of EJ Foods about their collaboration with Marisan.

EJ Foods, who are you and what is your objective?

“EJ Foods is a family business with Belgian roots, founded in 2013, that focuses on the production and distribution of high-quality raw materials for the pet food industry. Our mission is to differentiate ourselves by delivering superior quality and reliable products. We guarantee the best ingredients for pet food production, with a strong emphasis on their safe and ethical processing.”

What were your packaging challenges?

“Over the years it became clear that our packaging needs were evolving. For example, we needed special jars with lids for the safe packaging of our raw materials. These are classified as category 3, which are not suitable for human consumption. We also needed printed tape and labels that meet the same classification requirements.”

And how did you end up at Marisan?

“We already have a long-term business relationship with Marisan with our humane company Buyl Van den Broeck. We have been purchasing our labels and carrier bags from them for two decades. This made it very logical for us to also enter into a collaboration with Marisan for EJ Foods. Their expertise and reliability have served us well in the past, and we were confident that they could also meet the specific demands of our pet food business.”

How have you experienced the collaboration with Marisan so far?

“Our experience with Marisan spans more than twenty years, a period during which they have consistently delivered reliable and high-quality products. Their in-depth knowledge of packaging solutions and labeling, combined with their customer-oriented service, has resulted in an extremely good collaboration!”

What does the future hold for EJ Foods and Marisan?

“We are excited to continue our collaboration with Marisan, never change a winning team!”

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