Marisan is wholeheartedly committed to sustainability!

Our health has been the topic of the past year. However, we should not underestimate the impact of the environment on our health. As a specialist in packaging materials, labeling and attachments, we support our clients in choosing smart and sustainable materials.

Nevertheless, sustainable entrepreneurship goes much further than just choosing ecological materials. At Marisan, we put a lot of effort into this, and together we look for the best possible solution in any given case. It is important to consider what you, as a company, want to focus on and what you want to emphasize. What message do you want to convey to your clients?

By making your use of materials more sustainable, you also take on your social responsibility. In addition, it is a great opportunity to distinguish yourself towards your clients, on the basis of a new look and a well-founded story.

Packaging material naturally has a major impact on the environment. There is a need for raw materials and energy for the production and transport. Furthermore, hazardous substances can also be released during the waste disposal of certain materials. By using sustainable products, you try to avoid the above to the largest extent. When it comes to sustainable packaging material, you immediately think of the popular ecological tote bags. But it goes beyond that.

At Marisan, we play the durable card for all our products.

We not only focus on durable carrier bags, but also on ecological labeling and attachments. You are probably aware of the possibilities we offer when it comes to carrier bags. We have been offering ecological alternatives for quite some time now, ranging from cotton bags over jute to biodegradable bags.

We are also playing the green card in terms of our labels. Some time ago, thermal labels still used the substance bisphenol A. If you take in too much of this chemical, it could have harmful effects on fertility and the endocrine system. For a longer time now there have been strict European rules concerning the use of BPA and since 2020, the use of BPA has been completely prohibited. Bisphenol A is now also banned in the production of thermal paper. This naturally resulted in a slight increase in the cost price. However, this does not outweigh the importance we all attach to supplying products that are free of toxic substances.

Still a lot of room for improvement!

When it comes to attachments, we still see a lot of room for improvement in the market. Many products aimed at the end consumer, often use unnecessary plastic or blister packaging. You can avoid those blister packs by using our industrial attachments, and this with all of the advantages! Your client is able to physically touch the product and does not need to unwind various tie wraps before being able to use your product. In this way, you create more customer experience around the product. It contributes to your image as you pack ecologically. Moreover, you can automate your processes thus working much faster, easier and more flexible!

Recently, we also started offering an ecological alternative to the classic textile pins. Curious about the different options? Then check out our following blogs.

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