Jute carrier bags: sustainable shopping at its best

Eco-friendly alternatives

Innovative and sustainable developments are of paramount importance to us. We therefore work daily on new ecological packaging that meets the highest quality standards. For some time now, we have been offering an extra environmentally-friendly alternative to ordinary plastic bags: jute carrier bags.

Jute is not only trendy and extremely strong, but also very sustainable. It is therefore an ideal alternative to single-use plastic shopping bags in the food industry or retail sector. By using less plastic in a more targeted way, we also reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. Triple-win, in other words!

Smaller waste mountain thanks to the 5 R’s

For years, plastic carrier bags were an obvious choice in many sectors. Especially in retail and the food sector, you couldn’t avoid it. Producing no waste is virtually impossible, but we strive to contribute as much as possible to the 5 Rs for zero waste management: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle & rot.

Jute offers great added value for this. After all, by providing a reusable jute carrier bag in your car or handbag as standard, you can refuse the plastic bag in the shop. Thanks to recycling, the used carrier bags are optimally processed after their lifetime – which is very long. Will you soon be contributing to zero waste management with jute carrier bags?

So many benefits for the environment

The material jute as we know it comes from stems of the jute plant. This fast-growing plant can be harvested in four to six months – a property that makes the raw material highly sustainable and renewable.

Thanks to its plant origin, jute is 100% biodegradable. Both production and processing take place without leaving any harmful residues or microplastics behind.

Stylish & robust

Jute carrier bags are incredibly robust due to their woven structure. This allows you to carry many heavy products with them – not just once, but for years on end. Because the bags can be used day in, day out, the need for disposable bags is reduced.

We offer stylish jute bags for different sectors, in various sizes and with a wide choice of carrying capacities.

Ecological eye-catchers

Jute shoppers come in different shapes and designs. Once printed, such a jute bag becomes a real eye-catcher on the street. The company logo, a nice quote or message for an event … We are happy to personalise the bags.

Benefits of jute in a nutshell:

  • Durable & biodegradable
  • Extremely strong & reusable
  • Versatile & trendy

Sneak peek

Even 100% biodegradable shipping bags may soon be among the options. And jute can play a big role in this too. We are currently in the development phase with our partners. Read more about it here.

Jute is stylish, extremely strong, durable … and therefore an unseen added value in Marisan’s packaging range. Would you like to contribute to a smaller ecological footprint? Contact us for a sustainable packaging proposal tailored to your company at info@marisan.be or +32 9 232 06 16.

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