Jute carrier bags: sustainable shopping at its best


Jute carrier bags: sustainable shopping at its best




Innovative and sustainable developments are of paramount importance to us. We therefore work daily on new ecological packaging that meets the highest quality standards. For some time now, we have been offering an extra environmentally-friendly alternative to ordinary plastic bags: jute carrier bags.

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Marisan introduces innovative Loop Tagger during webinar


Marisan introduces innovative Loop Tagger during webinar



From kitchenware and tools to toys and textiles: a lot of industrial products need one or more attachments. Such a procedure is labour-intensive for operators and requires both time and budget. At Marisan, we have been working behind the scenes for some time on an innovative method to attach one or more cards to products better, faster and automatically.

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Vitasweets: well-packaged vitamins


Vitasweets: well-packaged vitamins



Health is the highest good. Exercise, get enough sleep, look after yourself tiptop and ... eat healthy. Combining all this in our daily lives requires effort; and occasionally it is not enough. We then seek refuge in food supplements and vitamin cures - which we often do not keep up. Bad taste, no water to hand, forgetting ...

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Botlr: state-of-the-art bottle labelling machine


Botlr: state-of-the-art bottle labelling machine



From juices to sports nutrition From beers to wines to spirits. From jam jars and tins to cosmetics and pharmaceutical products... These are just a few of the round objects you can label quickly and efficiently with Botlr, a simple and compact appliance. This patented labelling machine is all about flexibility and can handle any labelling job.

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The story of pre- or post-consumer waste in plastic packaging


The story of pre- or post-consumer waste in plastic packaging




Let's start by explaining the difference between pre and post-consumer waste. The word itself reveals quite a bit, as we are talking about pre-consumer waste and post-consumer waste. Pre-consumer waste is waste collected after production but before it reaches the end customer. So it is made from waste from the manufacturer that for some reason never reached the consumer.

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Bioplastics : how to recycle?


Bioplastics : how to recycle?




Bioplastics : how to recycle? What are bioplastics exactly? The term bioplastics is often used for two different types of plastics. First, you have the plastics made from biological material, also called the biobased plastics. Biobased plastics are plastics made from biological raw materials, for example plants, corn or potatoes. Then you have the plastics […]

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