How plastics recycling contributes to a sustainable economy


How plastics recycling contributes to a sustainable economy




As in the media, the topic of sustainability is also very much alive at Marisan. With every packaging and every process, we ask ourselves whether things could be better or more sustainable. Plastic particles are sometimes blamed as one of the 'guilty' polluters of our planet. However, we have to tell you: plastic is - sometimes - useful.

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The story of pre- or post-consumer waste in plastic packaging


The story of pre- or post-consumer waste in plastic packaging




Let's start by explaining the difference between pre and post-consumer waste. The word itself reveals quite a bit, as we are talking about pre-consumer waste and post-consumer waste. Pre-consumer waste is waste collected after production but before it reaches the end customer. So it is made from waste from the manufacturer that for some reason never reached the consumer.

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Bioplastics : how to recycle?


Bioplastics : how to recycle?




Bioplastics : how to recycle? What are bioplastics exactly? The term bioplastics is often used for two different types of plastics. First, you have the plastics made from biological material, also called the biobased plastics. Biobased plastics are plastics made from biological raw materials, for example plants, corn or potatoes. Then you have the plastics […]

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5 tips for choosing the right design for your bag


5 tips for choosing the right design for your bag



That remains quite a challenge for many of us. However, a good design is very important. Your carrier bag not only functions as packaging but also has a promotional function. A well-designed carrier bag attracts the attention of your customers and can stimulate loyalty. Packaging can even influence the mood of your customer.

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3 ecological shipping bags to boost your green image


3 ecological shipping bags to boost your green image




The e-commerce sector growth is accelerating : online retail sales are increasing year after year and more and more stores are selling their products digitally. The pandemic of store closures and contact restrictions has further fueled this trend. All this with a direct impact on global logistics : the increasing volume of packages to handle.

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Investigated : the environmental impact of shopping bags


Investigated : the environmental impact of shopping bags




Since 2019, single-use plastic bags have been banned in Belgium because they are harmful to the environment. But it doesn’t stop there. In September 2021, a new royal decree was approved : a complete ban on plastic shopping bags between 20 and 60mµ (with some exceptions). These plastic bags will also no longer be allowed to be offered for a small fee.

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