Ambreus finds labeling solution in Botlr © Ambreus

Ambreus finds labeling solution in Botlr

We spoke with Jean-Pierre Decoster and his son Erik from Ambreus about their journey from a small geuze producer to a successful business. They shared their experiences with labeling challenges and how the Botlr labeling machine from Marisan helped them overcome these obstacles.

Ambreus finds labeling solution in Botlr

Ambreus, who are you and what’s your story?

Jean-Pierre: “At Ambreus, we started making geuze as a hobby in 2018. What began with buying lambic from various brewers quickly grew into a more serious project. In 2020, we found our first location in a garage and began filling our first barrels. Due to a lack of space, we moved to a larger location in 2021, ‘De Kleine Ardennen’ in Buizingen, where we are now in full production. In 2023, we bottled our first Oude Geuze Ambreus, and in 2024, the highlight occurred: the launch!”

Ambreus finds labeling solution in Botlr

What were your labeling challenges, and how did you come across Marisan?

Erik: “Our labeling challenges began with the way our labels were delivered. The front and back of our labels were supplied on two separate rolls, making the process complicated and time-consuming. This led us to search for a second labeling machine. Through a colleague, we eventually came across Marisan, who provided us with the solution we needed: the Botlr!”

Are you satisfied with the Botlr?

Erik: “Yes, we are very satisfied with the Botlr labeling machine. The device has significantly improved our labeling process by making it simple and efficient. The Botlr ensures that labels are perfectly positioned, which is essential for the presentation of our Oude Geuze Ambreus.”

How has your collaboration with Marisan been so far?

Jean-Pierre: “Our collaboration with Marisan has been very positive and professional so far. From the quick purchase of the Botlr, we have also discussed the terms for a possible future order of labels. Marisan offers clear information and competitive prices, which is very important to us.”

What does the future hold for Ambreus and Marisan?

Jean-Pierre: “We definitely plan to continue our collaboration with Marisan. The next order of labels will undoubtedly go through them. We look forward to a long-term and successful partnership!”

Curious about the full story of Ambreus? Be sure to check out their website at

Ambreus finds labeling solution in Botlr

About Botlr

Botlr is an advanced labeling machine specifically designed to make the labeling process simpler, faster, and more efficient. Botlr can handle various types of bottles and cylindrical objects with diameters ranging from 13 mm to 120 mm and supports labels in different shapes and thicknesses. With its patented technology and user-friendly interface, Botlr ensures perfect label positioning from the first to the last label. Want to learn more about the Botlr bottle labeling machine? Click here!

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